• Question: when i was watching big bang theory on netflix sheldon and leonard had a theory that could only be tested with a contained really small black hole,was this just put in there to make it more interesting or is that actually possible in real life if we had the right equipment???

    Asked by game45day to Souvik, Sabine, Maria, Armin on 21 Nov 2019.
    • Photo: Souvik Kundu

      Souvik Kundu answered on 21 Nov 2019:

      That’s very hard to say. I like big bang theory. It is one of the amazing show. Sometimes the creator make something to make that more interesting but again nothing is impossible. It may be possible to create that in some lab with proper chemicals and all …

    • Photo: Armin Shams

      Armin Shams answered on 22 Nov 2019:

      The experiment may be possible hundreds of years later, just compare what we do now with hundreds of years before. And sometimes we are surprised as breakthroughs even happen sooner!

      I am optimistic about what human can achieve (eventually, at some point). Maybe the producers think in the same line.
