• Question: Have you made any interesting discovery's during your carer as a scientist?

    Asked by jump45web to Souvik, Sabine, Maria, John, Faye, Armin on 9 Nov 2019. This question was also asked by Jessica109, join45web, free45pie, Hazel1597, dr Joeff.
    • Photo: Souvik Kundu

      Souvik Kundu answered on 9 Nov 2019:

      I have made many innovative algorithms which if followed will increase the efficiency in communication of the sensors implemented in an area(wireless sensor network). The work has been published in Springer and Wiley publications. It will be energy efficient and easy to implement.

    • Photo: Maria McNamara

      Maria McNamara answered on 9 Nov 2019:

      I’ve found lots of fun / interesting fossils, but perhaps my favorite is some 125 million year old dinosaur dandruff that I worked on recently. I led a team working on this preserved outer layer of dinosaur skin and we reported it last year. Not only did it tell us how dinosaurs shed their skin (as small flakes likes modern birds and mammals, not in big chunks like many snakes and lizards), it taught us some really cool things about how feathers evolved. First of all the skin of feathered dinosaurs evolved faster than the feathers – the skin was pretty much modern in structure even when feathers were very primitive. It also taught us that early birds and feathered dinosaurs didn’t have metabolisms as high as modern birds – they didn’t heat up as much so their skin lacked specialised structures (that we see in modern birds) for heat loss. It also probably means that these fossil creatures weren’t as efficient or competent at flying as modern birds.
